Fruits and Vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables consumed in Cambodia are imported from Thailand
Cambodia’s rising middle-class is driving demand for safe and locally produced fruit and vegetables.
In 2019, under the umbrella of the Fruits & Vegetables Working Group, CPSA facilitated the creation of the Vegetables Group, which aims is to support with:

Be a network for farmers in the vegetables sub-sector and platform for information-sharing

Serve as a coordinator amongst all key stakeholders along the value chain of the vegetables sub-sector.

Facilitate discussions on a range of topics including access to input supply, production, quality control, processing, market linkages issues and consumer awareness.

Policy Dialogue
Engage in policy dialogue for the vegetables sub-sector.
Our Activities


As the result from the meeting, 97% of the participants stated that they want to be members of a Fruit Group, and as first step CPSA created a “Fruit Sharing Group” on Telegram where relevant information can be freely exchange by all parties.

In collaboration with Nature Agriculture Village (NAV), the Working Group conducted a three-day event at Aeon Mall on the theme of Safe Vegetables and engaged several Agricultural Cooperatives.

CPSA hired an independent consultant with support from the Inclusive Business Action Network (iBAN) to conduct an analysis of the fruits and vegetables sub-sectors in Cambodia.
Outcome included the formalization of a Working Group, development of Terms of Reference and selection
of Lead and Co-Lead.
- World Vision’s Micro-franchised Agriculture Service Expanded Project Phase 2 (MASE2)
- Khmer Organic Cooperative Co., Ltd (KOC)
- ECO-Agri Co, Ltd.
- Entrée Baitang Co., Ltd
- Farmer and Nature Network (FNN)
- Husk Ventures Co., Ltd
- Agricultural Cooperative Green Vegetables Prek Ongpan
- Agricultural Cooperative Green Vegetables Prek Tunlab
- ASA Agriculture Services
- Organic Vegetables Business Cluster Svay Bro Teal
- Organic Vegetables Business Cluster Svay Pratiel
- REMIC – Safe and Organic Vegetable Distributor
- ICCO Cooperation
- IFAD’s Agriculture Services Programme for Innovation, Resilience and Extension (ASPIRE)
- Indochina Agriculture Processing Co., Ltd
- Kandal Provincial Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
- Natural Agriculture Village (NAV)
- Organic Vegetables Business Cluster Koh Tonlea
- Organic Vegetables Business Cluster Krang Yov
- Royal University of Agriculture
- Safe Vegetables Business Group Svay Chour
- Safe Vegetables Business Group Orumchek
- SNV’s Cambodia Horticulture Advancing Income and Nutrition (CHAIN II) Project
- USAID’s Feed the Future Cambodia Harvest II Project (Harvest II)