The Cambodian pepper sub-sector has great potential, however, direct exports from Cambodia to end markets are currently not competitive compared with other exporters (such as Viet Nam) due to processing and transportation costs, pepper trading volumes and trade facilities. Furthermore, the international promotion of Cambodia pepper is still very limited and has low visibility in global markets

The Cambodia Pepper Spice Federation (CPSF)
CPSF was established in November 2018 by several key players in the pepper sub-sector such as CPSA/Grow Asia, CIRD, IFC, Ministry of Commerce (MOC) and MAFF.
CPSF was created to be a national-level coordinator promoting Cambodian pepper and support body that functions for the benefit of local producers, processors and exporters.
Since its establishment, CPSF has been working hand-in-hand with CIRD as co-lead and lead respectively for the Pepper Working Group, with support from the CPSA Secretariat.
The CPSF held its first General Assembly in June 2019 which was co-organized by CIRD and CPSA, and co-supported by HEKS and Grow Asia. The discussion at the Assembly focused on CPSF’s structure, operation and strategic plan for the next five years. A total
of 75 participants joined the event, including 34 pepper producers (from more than 10 provinces), 14 private companies, various representatives from MAFF, civil society organizations and research institutes.

Our Activities
In 2020, CPSF plans to organize a Pepper Outlook event, an opportunity to gather all pepper players in Cambodia and attract buyers, both local and international. Production-supporting actors such as government agencies, financial partners (such as banks, MFIs) and development partners are welcome to join.


Participated in a meeting with international partners on chemical residue testing for quality, safety and environmental sustainability.
Participated in a meeting with Chinese investors in November 2019 to discuss the potential export to China.
Joined one international event by International Pepper Community in Vung Tau, Viet Nam, together with the Ministry of Commerce in November 2019.
Training with pepper agricultural cooperative
Showcased members’ products at a fair for local food produce in December 2019 in Phnom Penh.

Regularly updated their social media platforms with pepper prices by the International Pepper Community.
- Cambodian Institute for Research and Development (CIRD)
- Cambodia Pepper Spice Federation (CPSF)
- Amru Rice (Cambodia) Co., Ltd
- Areng Pepper Association
- Confirel Co., Ltd
- Khmer Organic Cooperative Co., Ltd (KOC)
- Kokir Memorng Organic Pepper Agricultural Cooperative
- Kurata Pepper Co., Ltd
- MondulKiri Organic Pepper Agricultural Cooperative
- Department of Agro-Industry (MAFF)
- Department of Trade Policy (MOC)
- HEKS/EPER Cambodia
- Kam Spices Trading Co. Ltd.
- Kampot Pepper Agricultural Cooperative
- Mrech Tomacheat Samlot Association
- Sandan- Kompongthom Pepper Association
- Sela Pepper Co., Ltd
- Signatures of Asia Co., Ltd (SOA)
- Treak-Memot Natural Pepper Agricultural Cooperative