Agricultural Production Contract Signing Ceremony between Aliments Market and Farmers in Samlot District, Battambang Province

Phnom Penh: Last week, Aliments Market formalized a contract for the purchase and sale of safe vegetables and fruits with six farming families in Samlot district, Battambang province. The signing ceremony saw the participation of the district agriculture office head, local authorities, and vegetable growers from Samlot district.

These six farming families receive technical support for climate-resilient smart farming practices and specific consultations on organic safety standards and quality control from the Aliments market technician.

The contracted farmers are adopting smart farming techniques such as home cultivation, netting, drip irrigation, solar irrigation, soil testing, and quality improvement. They are using climate-resilient and high-yield varieties to enhance their farming practices.

This contract is part of the Women’s Economic Empowerment and Climate Resilience Project of the Vegetable Value Chain, which aims to support farmers in increasing agricultural productivity, promoting smart farming techniques, creating market opportunities, and boosting income. It also seeks to position women farmers as leaders in the vegetable production chain. The project is supported by Grow Asia-CPSA and HEKS-EPER Cambodia.

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