Study Visit Exchanged Experiences on Vegetable Growing Techniques and Market Connectivity

Last week, the program team organized a study tour visit for a group of target farmers from Samlot district, Battambang province, to Banteay Meanchey province. This visit was part of the iDE CSmart project, aimed at exchanging experiences on vegetable growing techniques and market connectivity.

During the study tour, participants had the opportunity to learn and share best practices related to vegetable cultivation, including techniques for growing sweet cucumbers and yellow watermelons using smart farming methods. These techniques are designed to be climate-resilient, enabling year-round vegetable production and fostering effective networking between producers and collectors.

CSmart’s model farmers showcased smart farming techniques and good agricultural practices that enhance productivity, both in terms of quantity and quality, aligning with market demands. These practices help reduce production time and increase market opportunities while empowering women to make decisions within the production chain, thereby boosting their economic participation and creating job opportunities.

The Women’s Economic Empowerment and Climate Resilience Project of the Vegetable Value Chain is implemented by Aliments Market, with support from Grow Asia-CPSA and HEKS – EPER Cambodia.

Read more: CSmart Project Case Study: Gender-Inclusive and Low-Carbon Emission Projects in the Fruit and Vegetable Value Chain in Cambodia

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