GROW ASIA – CPSA, HEKS-EPER Cambodia, and ALIMENTS Market Promote Climate-Resilient Smart Farming Techniques

Recently, the Women’s Economic Empowerment and Climate Change Resilience Project of the Vegetable Value Chain conducted training on climate smart agricultural techniques and provided drip irrigation systems to farmers in Samlot District, Battambang Province.

This irrigation system is part of our efforts to promote climate smart agricultural practices, enabling efficient water use, reducing disease, soil erosion, and fertilizer loss through irrigation, ultimately increasing productivity and reducing labor for farmers’ vegetable and fruit production.

The Women’s Economic Empowerment and Climate Resilience Project of the Vegetable Value Chain is implemented by Aliments Market, with support from Grow Asia-CPSA and HEKS/EPER.

#GrowAsia #CPSA #AGREE #IDRC #hekseperworld #heksepercambodia #PilotProject
