Grow Asia – CPSA Leads Agriculture Cooperatives on Field Learning and Exchange Visit on Climate Smart Agriculture and Rice Supply Chain

Battambang City: On May 15, 2024, five representatives from Agriculture Cooperatives in Kampong Chhnang and Kampong Speu provinces participated in a learning visit on Climate Smart Agriculture and the Rice Supply Chain in Battambang province. This initiative was led by Grow Asia – CPSA, under the auspices of the Cambodian Institute for Rural Research and Development.

The visit included the Director of the Agricultural Development Office of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, along with 10 representatives from five farming cooperatives: Thlok Vien Meanchey AC, Kraing Leav Samaki AC, Arkphiwat Khom Kraing Lvea AC, Rumduol Rong Roueng AC, and Svay ChoCheb Meanchey AC.

Picture : Grow Asia – Cambodia Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture

The purpose of this learning visit was to provide the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries representatives and Agricultural Cooperative members from Kampong Chhnang and Kampong Speu with the opportunity to learn and exchange experiences related to climate-resilient agricultural practices and market connectivity for local rice production.

Mr. Tev Noeun, Vice President of Rumduol Rong Roueng Community, expressed his enthusiasm, saying, “I am very happy to learn new techniques. When I return, I will implement cover crops to increase fertility and improve the quality of my farmland. I will also share the good techniques I learned today with my cooperative members.”

Picture : Grow Asia – Cambodia Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture

This field exchange and learning visit is part of the CPSA Strengthening Rice Value Chain Project, funded by HEINEKEN Cambodia. The primary mission of this project is to enhance rice production productivity, expand market access, and increase income for farmers. Achieving these goals involves capacity building, mentoring, and training for cooperative members in the target area. The project focuses on smart farming technologies to address climate change challenges and the use of substandard pesticides.
